IoT ゲートウェイ

The Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and cloud open up various smart applications from smart homes, smart factories, smart cities, to homeland security and disaster prevention and management, which are all concerned with the quality of life and the safety of property. Prepared for the IoT era, NEXCOM has centered on IoT gateways. In terms of product design, NEXCOM focuses on power efficiency, integrated sensing technologies, IoT protocols, and seamless cloud integration.

製品 型式 OS Module Support LAN/COM/mPCIe Power
64549685-d67a-4840-962b-c850335ec7c4 CPS 50-N01 Linux
Project 3.0
- 2/1/M.2 E Key
& mPCIe
DC input
0715ca73-ef1b-4eaf-b070-d5252cafd842 CPS 50-N02 Linux
Project 3.0
- 2/3/M.2 E Key/
M.2 B Key & mPCIe
DC input 9~30V
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