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インテリジェントプラットフォーム @ スマートシティ





HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface という語、HDMIのトレードドレスおよび HDMIのロゴは、HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.の商標または登録商標です。

Interactive Signage Solution Packs
  • The driving forces of the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud technology, and big data analytics have sparked a new wave of innovations for many industries. NEXCOM maps out the major opportunities helping retailers, hospitality, transportation operators and more to innovate user experience. NEXCOM also shows how it integrates add-on software with ecosystem partners to create smart end-to-end solutions that accurately provide the user with unprecedented engagement required to drive satisfaction, fuel revenue growth and spur higher ROI. To help customers create business opportunities in the IoT era, NEXCOM launches the idea of Solution Pack putting key components into one handy box for demonstration, evaluation, and showcasing.

  • DSS-100 IDS-100 RAS-100 RDK-100 SSK-100 SSS-100 VAS-100
neXService Intelligent Service Kiosk
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