EXOR International S.p.A. and NEXCOM International Co. (TPEx: 8234) are proud to announce technology and business partnership to enforce their worldwide presence in the automation and IT market, developing new HMI function to fulfill the vision of Industry 4.0. Based on close, solid cooperation between the two companies, NEXCOM has acted on EXOR's proposition by investing in the capital of EXOR International for 19.99% of the company.
To achieve Industry 4.0's vision for smart manufacturing, NEXCOM has proposed PC-based IoT Automation Solutions consisting of intelligence controllers, IoT automation gateways, and big data collectors. Under the partnership, NEXCOM expands its product portfolio to EXOR's virtualized human machine interface (HMI), a key element to Industry 4.0, offering all-round IoT Automation Solutions, EXOR extends its presence in Asia market and will grow JMobile platform to ensure global offering.
EXOR, with headquarters in Verona, Italy, is an international leading HMI supplier. EXOR HMI solutions span over industrial automation with expertise satisfying vertical markets and embedded design solutions.
NEXCOM headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan is an international leading manufacturer of IoT Automation Solutions with a comprehensive offer of industrial computing solutions.
The partnership will leverage the synergy of EXOR and NEXCOM to enlarge and improve quality of global offerings to the market, strengthen production capability, and enhance post-sales service with general maintenance and repairing center in Europe and Asia.
Co-development of new products will meet global demand of "ready-to-use products" with stronger platform and exceptional time to market. Global service will be provided 24/7 to the need of the market and customers. Think global, act local!
Since the early '90s Exor has devoted it's development skills to the creation of Modern HMI & Controls. Today's days Exor International is recognized as one of the leader in HMI & Control with its products JMobile and Glass Touch. Exor International product offering and organization has secured, in the years, strategic Brand Label Customer and major Distributors worldwide and is known as the Company able to fully support Customer and respond to the Market. Projects Management, international experience, professional staff has consolidated the existing partnership and creating new and exciting one. Exor International proactive attitude on developing new products makes Partners at ease on their own application and response to their market demand. www.exorint.net