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May 15, 2013

Maximize Uptime in the Connected Factory

High Performance PlatformReliable operation of machinery is key to productivity in the factory. However, monitoring the many devices that keep today's production lines running in optimal condition is a major challenge, especially when the machines are widely dispersed in different factories.


To address this challenge, NEXCOM has developed the NISE 3640 fanless computer that brings together the 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processor, NEXCOM XCare remote monitoring and management software, and McAfee Solidcore security software; and uses the Intel® Intelligent System Framework which gives developers a standards-based, interoperable platform for connectivity, security, and manageability. This article will explain how the NISE 3640 can be used as a control and communication gateway that links cross automation hierarchy levels to monitor and control the devices connected to it in real time, enabling the integration of industrial automation and information technology.


The article is also published in the April 2013 issue of Intel Embedded Innovator Magazine.


High Performance Platform


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